If you want to help out with some of Bob’s House’s needs, we could always use items on our wish list. We couldn’t do what we do without your help. Thank you!
Thank you for donating to Bob's House. All donations are tax-deductible with our Tax ID Number 26-4289171. We appreciate your gift! Clicking the link below will allow you to make a one-time donation to our facility. If you are considering our Sustainer program, please read on to learn how your monthly gift provides for the Bob's House dogs.
Sustainers are our partners – compassionate people that support Bob’s House for Dog’s mission that every dog should have a comfortable home to live out their golden years. We cannot do what we do without the foundation of our monthly sustainers. When you sign up to become a Sustainer you become part of our Bob’s House family.
Your support means the world to us and the Bob's House pack! If you are interested in becoming a corporate sponsor, please contact us at [email protected].
Please consider including Bob's House in your final giving plans. You and your heirs will enjoy charitable gift benefits while you make a powerful statement about your deep commitment to the care and welfare of animals. Contact us to learn more at [email protected].