Wines for Canines

  For more information, and to order tickets, click on the website link to the right. This will direct you to the River Bend Vineyard website. Thank you!

2021 Calendar Raffle Winners – Oct. 1st – Oct. 25th

Oct. 1st - Winner of $100.00   Robin Plunkett Oct. 2nd - Winner of $100.00 Pat Verhulst Oct. 3rd - Winner of $100.00 Deb Gladwell Oct. 4th - Winner of $100.00 Jewels Johnson Oct. 5th - Winner of $100.00 Bob Carr Oct. 6th - Winner of $100.00 Luke Larson Oct. 7th - Winner of $100.00 Diane...

2022 Raffle Calendar

July 1st - $100 winner - Tom Rosenbrook July 2nd - $100 winner - Amy Berg July 3rd - $100 winner - Jesse Taitano July 4th - $100 winner - Jim Murray July 5th - $100 winner - Lance Vogler July 6th - $100 winner - Jeff Hanneman July 7th - $100 winner - Chris...