Evie was my first dog — ever. I grew up with cats and was looking forward to opening my home to my first ever dog. With Evie, it was truly love at first sight. Before my first visit to Bob’s House, I was given the advice to walk straight in and find somewhere to sit to allow the dogs to settle down around me. When the time came, I walked into the main room and sat on the nearest chair I could find, trying to avoid all eye contact with the rowdy welcoming committee. I did not grow up around dogs, so a whole group of them was a little overwhelming for me. When I found myself settled into a chair, I noticed that my chair partner was a very calm, very small little terrier. I spent my entire visit at Bob’s House petting her and fell in love with her quiet personality.
Around the time of this visit, I had just bought my first house with a spare bedroom that I was ready to fill with love. I found out that Evie was considered a hospice adoption, and she didn’t have a lot of time left. I knew that this bedroom and home could be her forever home, and I worked to create a safe, quiet, warm place for my sweet girl. The day after Christmas she was cleared to come home with me. Her first night at my house, as I sat watching her sleep, I wondered to myself if this was the quietest night she had experienced in her life.

Evie had many, many quirks right from the beginning. Even with her lengthy list of health problems and eccentricities, Evie showed up each day with spunk. As she settled into our house, we all learned more about each other. My wild nine-month-old kitten learned to keep his new sister safe by playing with her gently and guiding her away from the edge of the bed. I learned about patience and persistence.

Each day brought a new challenge with Evie, often through eating or bathrooming, and I learned to slow down to do my best to help her through difficult tasks. Evie learned how to navigate stairs, how to get on and off of furniture, how to follow hand signals when we were outside and, most of all, what it meant to be safe, loved and cared for fully.

Evie was in my home for 58 days before she passed. We had good days and difficult days, but ultimately, we had 58 days full of love and joy. My Sweetie Evie, I will love you always.
Submitted by guest blogger Beth McCabe. Thank you for opening up your home to this sweet senior.