Winston arrived at Bob’s House in December of 2021. He came from a tough situation; he had been locked in a hay mow for breeding, and as a result had no social skills as well as some medical conditions. He didn’t know what a house was, what touch was, and couldn’t look people in the eyes.
Once Winston got settled into Bob’s House, he quickly became part of the pack! He learned so much from the other dogs, and as the months went by he slowly started to allow staff and volunteers to hold him.

The day finally came when it was clear Winston was ready for his new home. After being brave at the vet’s office, he was offered a treat on the ride home, and without hesitation ate out of their hand.
Today, 1 ½ years after his journey started, he is living the good life with his new family in Sun Prairie, WI. Winston, is now lovingly called Rexton (Rex for short), and is getting to know his new brothers Ruger, Riot, and RBenji. His parents’ favorite moment was catching him on camera hopping into a basket of clean laundry to take a nap. Now they always leave a basket of blankets out for him to comfortably snooze.

His favorite game to play with his new family is hide and seek, and when they go on walks, Rex rides along in his new stroller. He even went on his first family vacation!

His parents have been patient through accidents and anxiety, and have done everything they can to provide him with the best possible care. While Rex still has a long way to go, he is receiving loads of love and his new family is looking forward to a lifetime of snuggle sessions.
October 14, 2023 10:32 PMTanya I was so proud of you both loving this dog to become a real dog. Best Wishes,