When Chi Chi, nicknamed Cheech, made her debut in a Bob’s House for Dogs’ post, I knew she would be perfect for our family because of her size and temperament. But, my partner, Andrew, and I were also hesitant. What would a diabetic dog mean for our household? Could we handle the challenges? After much discussion with each other and Amy Quella and Heather Muller, Bob’s House’s executive director and medical coordinator, plus one extra adorable picture of Cheech begging to be adopted, we decided to move forward as we felt Chi Chi belonged in our home.

What does adopting a dog with diabetes mean? It means I regularly make my dog yelp from giving her the much-needed insulin, but we have lots of snuggles after the shots to make everyone feel better. It means coming home at scheduled times to keep blood glucose levels within range, but we get to spend more parts of each day together. It means more money on insulin, treats, food and supplies, but the cost is worth the love we receive from our best insulin girl. It means blindness but also greater attentiveness to her needs, which makes us more aware and compassionate as people.

Since Cheech joined our family, Andrew and I frequently get asked if we knew about her diabetes before adopting her, and we readily admit we did — after giving it some thought. And even though having Cheech means spending extra money, giving her shots twice a day and following a schedule to keep her healthy, her love and the joy that radiates from this little ball of fur make it all worth it. Every day with our Cheech brings smiles and laughs and more snuggles than you could imagine. Even as I type this, she is curled up in my lap.

Adopting a dog with diabetes might not be for everyone, but I’d encourage other dog lovers out there to at least consider adding a diabetic dog to their family. Even though Cheech hates her winter boots and those shots, the additional work required to keep her happy and healthy is worth it to see her silly sits, her begging dance and her army crawls across the bed and know she loves us.
Written by guest blogger Hannah Merwin