A dog qualifies for Our Here to Stay Program here at Bob’s House when we feel that the dog’s best interest would be to live out his or here life with us. There are many different cases and circumstances that would put a dog in this program. Sometimes it’s high anxiety, a physical disability or an otherwise disabling condition rendering the dog less adoptable.

Henry, an inbred Chihuahua, was being fostered for Eau Claire Humane Association. Right away we could see Henry had several medical issues. He has a soft spot on his head, enlarged lymph nodes, respiratory problems, heart murmur, severe dental disease, dislocated knees and bad hips. Spending time with this guy you would never know it. He always is wagging his tail and seems to ooze with joy!

Henry had a dental with 15 extractions and was neutered. Once he felt better he began doing Canine Company visits to area nursing homes and the residents adore him. He is loving, sweet and walks sideways when excited. He sounds like a little coyote pup when he barks to get your attention. He gets along great with his housemates and loves to snuggle.

We are placing him in our Here to Stay program due to his chronic heart and respiratory condition, and the fact that Henry will not have the longevity of a normal Chihuahua. We want to make sure that he always has quality of life, so our team will monitor him closely. In the meantime, enjoy all of the many pictures of Henry on Facebook and Instagram.
Danica Lowry, Bob’s House for Dogs Board of Directors