Peter worked as a “Canine Company Companion” at Bob’s House for Dogs. I first met Peter when he joined the Bob’s House pack in 2012 after he was rescued from an area puppy mill. Being a Bob’s House volunteer, I could see that Peter wasn’t your average toy poodle. Peter was the most submissive, gentle and sweetest dog I had ever met. Bob’s House decided to adopt Peter so that he could join volunteers who bring Bob’s House residents out to facilities to visit the elderly, hospice patients, children and veterans. Peter diligently served as a Canine Company Companion alongside volunteers for eight years. Peter was gifted at quietly curling up next to hospice patients or sitting in the laps of elderly residents causing them to reminisce about their own pets. Peter rolled with the punches at elementary schools where excited student’s hands reached for him. He loved these visits and would get so excited to get in the car.
In the last year staff and volunteers began to notice changes in Peter. He was 15 years old and was getting tired. Bob’s House decided it was time for their most dedicated volunteer to retire.

Lucky for me and my family I was told by our Director that they were looking for a quiet place for Peter to live out his remaining days. After hearing this I said, “I’ll take him!” even before I had checked with my husband. Peter and I had been dear friends for the past eight years. Now was my chance to love him up in my own home and spoil him to thank him for his selfless service. Thankfully my husband and son were fully on board with welcoming Peter into our home. Peter came to live with us the first week in January of 2020. He has adapted well to our quiet surroundings. He continues to love laps, treats, and gentle walks and is usually found at my side wherever I am. We’ve even let him sleep in our bed at night just so we can get in extra snuggles.

Peter stands to turn 16 in early November. We feel blessed with this opportunity to spend this time with him. We know our job is not to extend his life by months, but to give him quality of life today. He lets us know he’s happy by wagging his tail nonstop. Peter has inspired me to welcome and adopt more senior dogs. Puppies are great, but the adoration and love from a senior is second to none. We take things one moment at a time and are grateful every morning that this little nine-pound bundle of joy is there to greet us. It’s not important to me that Peter make it to 16, what’s important to me is that Peter is happy and loved today.