Posts filed under: A Day in the Life…

A Dog Named Emma

Emma first came to Bob’s House for Dog in the fall of 2012. She was one of 20 animals that were taken into protective custody in one of the most...... Read More

A Repeat Adopters Story

A few years ago at work, our activity committee decided to have pet photos posted in the break room so everyone could guess which pet belonged to which employee. Staff...... Read More

From Kennel to Couch

Our program that houses our adoptable dogs is titled “From Kennel to Couch”. The origin of this title comes from our main mission, to make senior dogs more adoptable. This...... Read More

Cy Learns to Trust

Cy came to us an emaciated 15 year old lab mix, who was rescued after falling through the ice. He arrived at Bob’s House closed off to everyone, broken from...... Read More

Suzie’s weight loss journey

Susie is a zestful female black lab mix who came in mid June of 2018. She weighed in at 92 pounds – very overweight and had difficulty getting around very well....... Read More

Gwen’s Last Ride

Gwen, a senior Collie, came to us with matted fur and significant mobility issues. She was promptly put on arthritis and pain medication. It became clear to us after a...... Read More

A Home for Daphne

During the last year and a half we’ve had to say good-bye to seven of our senior dogs that had been a part of our family since before Bob’s House...... Read More